
Showing posts from 2018

Twenty Crazy Things You Need to Know!

       From Paris, Tokyo,Australia, New York, Milan to Lagos, there are crazy things discovered daily ranging from laws, culture and so on. Here are twenty crazy things about the world. Enjoy! 1.In the 1870s, a Belgian village attempted to train a fleet of 37 official mail cats to deliver letters. It didn’t work. 2. Every baby is born with blue eyes!. 3. The cotton candy machine was invented by a dentist. 4.  Twelve percent of sleepers dream in black and white. 5. Zebras’ coats are just black. (Their undercoat has white stripes.) 6. The light emitted by 200,000 galaxies makes our universe a shade of beige. The oldest star is nicknamed Methuselah. It’s 13.8 billion years old. If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you’ll see is called eigengrau. There may be no sound in space, but it does have a distinct smell: a bouquet of diesel fumes, gunpowder, and barbecue. The aroma is mostly produced by dying stars. 7 .  In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry

Troubles of Teenage

         Riding in a rollercoaster wildly is the teenage. Many at times, teenagers are described as "Rebellious" and this is due to the misunderstanding of the teenagers by older persons. Teenagers go wild and rebellious due to various reasons; ranging from lack of attention from loved ones, abuse, low esteem and so on. Most teenagers start as "good" until they get to that stage which moulds their future.        Last week, I had a conversation with a friend about life as a teenager and the failure of parents to see through teenagers pain. She shared the story of a close friend which was Heartbreaking. Her name was Isabella.             Isabella father died when her mother was just seven months along with her. Her mother who vowed to give her only child the best in life, drowned herself in work and was frequently away. Isabella had to grow up with a nanny who unfortunately, raped and introduced her into lesbianism. With no one to really turn to in the phase of abus

DECISIONS:The story of Eseosa

Over the years, illegal migration around the world has accelerated as these migrants travel to the ends of the earth in search of a better life due to the harsh conditions of their home land. Migration to a foreign land is often celebrated as a success which most persons are desperate to attain no matter the condition. Often times, these migrants are promised flowing honey and milk on a earthly heaven and only end up duped and forced into servitude. Most persons migrate due to the harsh living conditions of their homeland, war or more. Migration to a foreign land is often celebrated as a success which most persons are desperate to attain no matter the condition. Often times, these migrants are promised flowing honey and milk on a earthly heaven and only end up duped and forced into servitude. Today post tells the story of a young Bini woman who became a victim of illegal migration and slavery. ESEOSA’s STORY : Life has never been a bed of roses for my family as we struggle fro


            My lecturer came into the class, asked a question about the next topic, which most persons couldn't answer and he asked how many persons have an internet phone and 90% raised their answers and in anger, he started the lecture on how youths of these days no longer read but spend time on internet, chatting. He felt that the internet should be used mostly for academic purposes and not strictly social purposes though we can have a social life but we should learn to balance it and he ended his lecture, with the question "What do you do on the internet every minute? ".        The social media has been a strong tool to get people closer but what many persons fail to know is, though the internet has introduced a lot of positive changes, it has also introduced negative things such as Cyberbullying.                                              Cyberbullying is the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person( Merriam Webster dictionary 2018). It inv

Sexuality and Grades

Earlier this year, I heard of the story of a professor who sexually assaulted a female student in one of Nigeria’s top Universities and I felt like what is this world turning to?. Does he not have a wife at home?, what if someone does this to his kids, how will he feel?. Sexual harassment is a major dreaded topic in schools today as the victims fear to talk about it. According to them, they feel that, talking brings an end to their academic learning. So I will share a story of a victim. A very close friend of mine came to me crying yesterday, about how she was embarrassed so I to force the story out of her. According to this friend, the whole journey started in year one when she and her friend had gone to a professor's office to pay for a textbook he was selling. When she got there, he was writing a journal which he asked their opinion on and they gave him. He felt impressed and requested they come the next day to his office. They went the next day, as requested and th

The Den

   A friend of mine called me and was telling me about the story of a neighbor and childhood friend whose name is Benjamin Daniel. Daniel is a Year three student of Engineering at the University of Lagos, Nigeria and since the University was about to resume classes after the first semester break, he decided to go spend your days at his Father's childhood friend's place so the man could financially assist him in his education. After some days, the rich man decided to accuse him of Child Molestation of his five year Old daughter which never happened according to the Hospital reports, the CCTV Camera and the girl but the man swore to use all that he has to send the nineteen year old boy to jail even if the evidence in Daniel's favor though due to financial issues, the parents of Daniel can not employ the services of a lawyer which may result on any side of the coin.      When I heard the story, the first thing that came to my mind was why are some people so power and wealth d

The Exploitation

        It's so funny the way the educational system is. I recall my civic education teacher telling me that one of my fundamental rights according to the Universal Declaration of the Human rights (UDHR) Of 1948 is the Right to Education. I have the right to further my education to the level of my interest.          In Nigeria, tuition fees for all Federal schools is free at all levels and even some states  exercise it. It's now so funny, the rate at which most states government have decided to create another source of revenue by exploiting students through the fees hiking.        What these greedy people fail to understand is that, most of these youths hustle and struggle just to achieve their aim of being educated. If a student who have to do a lot of laborious jobs a year just to get less than fifty thousand naira for school fees is requested to pay a sum of 150, 000 naira. No matter the determination, such student would quit. Now we often ask the reason for the high

Dear Maju:Daniel's Dream

       "Either you repeat SS1 as a science student or you change your department in your present class, that's all we can offer to you". I felt frustrated, this can't be happening. It's all my fault, if only I had not followed the crowd, if only I had been myself but what will the my friends think about me?.       My name is Daniel and this is my story. I am the only son of my parents and luckily for me I have always been an A straight student. Right from primary school, I secretly nurses the idea of being a lawyer but my mother has the fear that lawyers get killed easily. In Junior School I decided to stand for myself and go to Art class but that determination was cut short on the first day of resumption when all my intelligent friends decided to pursue science related dreams. I couldn't stand been the odd one or being called a dullard since there was this belief that only dull students go to Arts class.     I changed my plans and decided to pursue a pil

Dear Maju; Zoe story

      "Not again, why should NEPA take light whenever rain wants to fall?". It was 10pm that Friday night and I was coming home due to the heavy Lagos traffic, my boss had me working till 7pm and there was I trekking down my muddy Estate road since there was no bike to take me to my house.    I decided to take a short route my younger brother showed me which happens to be a busy path but what can a tired girl do?.          Let me introduce myself, My name is Zoe. I am an eighteen year old undergraduate of Electrical engineering and am presently undergoing my industrial training. I live with my mother and two younger ones who happens to be twins , my dad left us when mom gave birth to the twins,  It's still a nightmare. I am a first class 400level student.       Back to the story, I felt relieved that I was nearly home as walking through that path was scary as hell. Everything was normal until I heard "shh fine girl, omo re bi custard, sexy!" as usual from t

Dear Maju

I stood there by the entrance of my parents' room in dread as I watched my my most horrifying scenery, i have not even seen in a movie. I hardly know what true love is, Dad was always too busy working or cheating on mom and mom was often falling sick and hardly had time for my brother and I as she was always in and out of the hospital. I had two uncles always taking care of us but there was always something missing, parental attention. Born with a silver spoon,money was never everything, though everyone thought I was a happy princess, I was a loner who was never alone. Despite mom's frail health, Dad never spared her as he would abuse her verbally emotionally and physically, my brother and I would stand and watch their fights so we got used to it, but it made I and my brother aggressive. That particular night, I left my room and headed for my parents' room cause I was scared of the creepiness of the dark and wanted to be with them, what I met there was terrible, Dad was on

The Mood

        Today in class, a situation came up as a lecturer who was supposed to take us a particular course told us to go back home because he wasn't in the mood to teach. This got me kind of angry and I sat down to think of his excuse. How can a lecturer refuse to teach because he wasn't in the mood. Does this mean if he doesn't feel like teaching for the semester, he won't teach?.    I often wonder what kind of educational system we run in Africa. Everyone wants the best set of graduates but no one ever bother to ask or review the processes these best students go through. My friend once told me that If she were given a million dollars to drop out of school, she will happily do it since the whole educational process is frustrating.    Education is meant to be a shining light to help direct our footsteps but it has chosen to be a dim light which rather makes us go the wrong way. If a professor who is supposed to encourage students learn can discourage them, what else

The Sexist

          I had a discussion last night with a friend which later led to an argument about the stand of women in the society and she angrily called me a feminist(which was meant to be an insult from her). A feminist is  not someone that hates the existence of men but, a person(male or female) who believes in the recognition of women as humans and not objects in the society. It is so funny how women are the sexists in the society, a woman was once asked her view on women in politics and becoming public servants, and she said women in power are the worst set of people. They are too proud and lack leadership qualities, she went ahead to list names of women who failed in politics and forgetting to mention the successful ones. If a woman fails, they blame it on the fact that she is a woman but if a man fails they never say"it's because he is a man". These are what we teach our female children and they grow up to believe that a woman place is at the feet of a man and that'

Speaking out

      Molestation according to MW dictionary is defined as the act of harming someone through sexual contact : to touch someone in a sexual and improper way.    Abuse is defined as physical maltreatment (Merriam Webster dictionary). Child Abuse is a situation that is been heard daily on the news. Stories of abused children, physically and sexually is something everyone speaks of, but forget about Emotional abuse which is the root of all abuses.    A fifteen years old girl who was been raped daily by her uncle since she was four spoke about how her uncle threatened to kill her if she speaks up. Even when she was been rehabilitated, she never forgot those scenes of molestation hereby making her go through emotional abuse.    Most times, the society adds to the abuse of these victims by making them objects of ridicule through their actions. Some complain about how fingers are pointed to them and parents warning their children to stay clear from them except, they want to become like th