The Mood

        Today in class, a situation came up as a lecturer who was supposed to take us a particular course told us to go back home because he wasn't in the mood to teach. This got me kind of angry and I sat down to think of his excuse. How can a lecturer refuse to teach because he wasn't in the mood. Does this mean if he doesn't feel like teaching for the semester, he won't teach?.
   I often wonder what kind of educational system we run in Africa. Everyone wants the best set of graduates but no one ever bother to ask or review the processes these best students go through. My friend once told me that If she were given a million dollars to drop out of school, she will happily do it since the whole educational process is frustrating.
   Education is meant to be a shining light to help direct our footsteps but it has chosen to be a dim light which rather makes us go the wrong way. If a professor who is supposed to encourage students learn can discourage them, what else do we have in stall. No wonder we have A-students who are not skilled in their chosen field. A situation can be seen in an ongoing reality show where a housemate who is supposed to be a "lawyer", threatened to sue a fellow housemate for Provocation because she farted on her. Our formal educational system is not training us to be skilled rather, it is training us to get degree and just find any means to be rich either corrupt or not and this one of the effect of this rule as seen in the professor's case.
  I believe in a system where students' opinions  will be respected and jobs will not be provided based on grades but on intellect.


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