Troubles of Teenage

         Riding in a rollercoaster wildly is the teenage. Many at times, teenagers are described as "Rebellious" and this is due to the misunderstanding of the teenagers by older persons. Teenagers go wild and rebellious due to various reasons; ranging from lack of attention from loved ones, abuse, low esteem and so on. Most teenagers start as "good" until they get to that stage which moulds their future.
       Last week, I had a conversation with a friend about life as a teenager and the failure of parents to see through teenagers pain. She shared the story of a close friend which was Heartbreaking. Her name was Isabella.
            Isabella father died when her mother was just seven months along with her. Her mother who vowed to give her only child the best in life, drowned herself in work and was frequently away. Isabella had to grow up with a nanny who unfortunately, raped and introduced her into lesbianism. With no one to really turn to in the phase of abuse, she ended up hating herself at a young age with an esteem at a nadir. At thirteen, with a desperation to get her mother's attention, started a wild lifestyle. She got the attention needed but in a negative way. Consequently, her mother began abusing her emotionally and things got out of hand. Later, she met new persons who she told her story to, amongst them is my close friend. These  Persons gave her love but she rejected it because it felt like pity. Since no one really understood what she was going through, she decided to commit suicide.
         It is discovered that teenagers living wild just want to earn love. Most persons grew up in abusive homes and the older they get, the farther they get from home. Dealing with teenagers involves listening to them,though they don't open up especially the abused ones. Earn their trust, live in their shoes and try to understand their point of view. Everyone has different ways of handling bad situations, with some emerging victorious in such situation and others sinking deep with the problem.


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