The Den

   A friend of mine called me and was telling me about the story of a neighbor and childhood friend whose name is Benjamin Daniel. Daniel is a Year three student of Engineering at the University of Lagos, Nigeria and since the University was about to resume classes after the first semester break, he decided to go spend your days at his Father's childhood friend's place so the man could financially assist him in his education. After some days, the rich man decided to accuse him of Child Molestation of his five year Old daughter which never happened according to the Hospital reports, the CCTV Camera and the girl but the man swore to use all that he has to send the nineteen year old boy to jail even if the evidence in Daniel's favor though due to financial issues, the parents of Daniel can not employ the services of a lawyer which may result on any side of the coin.
     When I heard the story, the first thing that came to my mind was why are some people so power and wealth drunk that they would use their power to destroy others than help them?. This case is something that we see daily around us; The case of Oppression where the poor are wrongly accused by the rich and since no defense for them, they are sentenced by the judge to heart piercing years imprisonment at the Den where proper criminals are to rot. A man was sentenced to twelve years for stealing Dunlop flip flops while those looting billions are paraded to make corrupt laws. No matter what we say or do for these rich looters, if they are being investigated in court, the first thing we know is at the end no matter how long the case might be dragged, they will free and acquitted.
       Daniel's case shows how poor the judicial system is. How can a case of wrong accusation be at the verge of being against the victim?. All it shows is that the poor are at the mercy of the rich as a dog is at the mercy of a lion in a den.
   I hope human rights activists and lawyers get interested in the case and help Daniel and others youths like him get justice.


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