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My Lagos Life

 Riding in the popular Mass transit bus(BRT) around Lagos and appreciating the beauty,liveliness and hustle of the megacity, Happy with Serene environment until I saw a disturbing  which I must share.   It's no longer news that the present Government headed by Gov. Akinwummi Ambode is transforming Lagos into a great city which includes clearing the streets of Roadside sellers, hawkers,e.t.c. I saw a woman who had just finished her daily  been dragged into a black Maria van ready to be taken to prison because she was a roadside seller. She begged the KAI(Kick Against Indiscipline) Officers. Rather than executing their jobs, they preferred to assault her and other women caught. It was painful to see women and children been treated like criminals. Those who were rich enough to bail themselves by dropping every dime they had on them paid the KAI officers while those who had nothing were left to their fate of becoming prisoners who had committed no crime.        I am not against the a


  To some, the new year is just the Earth completing its revolving around the sun. While to some, New year is the mark of a new beginning, filled with hopes for a better future. The beginning of a better life, mending of broken relationships, forgiveness and letting go of hurt and pain. What is it to you? Most people, begin to make resolutions for the new year as they see it as an opportunity, to overcome their bad habits and start afresh. So the popular saying; New Year, New Me.Rather than making resolutions, you won't end up following, why don't you make a guide? We sometimes make resolutions to suit other people not ourselves. For the rest of the year, why don't you sit, reflect on who you really are. Try to understand yourself. When you do this, you've just set the pace for a great year. You will begin to do things without struggling. You want to end that addiction? Understand yourself to know what to fill in positively for the addiction. And stop deceiving


                  With days filled with activities while growing, I had grown to become a curious persons who always wanted to find answers to every mystery. Why is it acceptable to do wrong under the guise of religion?, Why is there segregation? How does God look like? and so on.                  Finding answers to these questions is never easy. I was made to believe that either you follow the poular religion or go to hell, which I find amusing. If the African traditional religion is not the popular religion, then forefathers are in hell? If Christianity hadn't come, would we all be in hell? At the end, I realized one thing, we have never been true to ourselves.                  Beliefs are one of the strongest things in life we should never blackmail others to change. We should respect others for what they stand for and not blackmail through segregation into acceptance without concrete convictions. One of the major problems I have always come across lately is looks of pity or

Diary Of A Student (The Prelude)

         Have you ever had this feeling of living in the clouds and yet falling ? That was my life in Secondary School. The first Four years can be described as a blur because I can never get to understand what happened or have big memories about it. When I decided to write about my life as a student, I never really knew what to write on.. so I decided to give an introduction on how it felt before University.          I don't have big memories about my first Four years in Secondary School, probably due to the fact that I have decided to tuck it deep in a box up in my head.         At first, I had big dreams about Secondary School. I had jumped two classes to get to Secondary School courtesy of my primary school founder who also owns the secondary School. I will never forget that day; I felt elated! I was off as a college student! I had big dreams about becoming a lawyer but deep down in my heart, I had the fear of being rejected. Getting to the school gate, I gave myself a pep ta


          While scrolling through my WhatsApp contact status, I came across a tribute to the late Pa. Gabriel Okara( the poet of Pianos and Drums). Prior to when I first read this poem in Senior Secondary School, I had the mentality that anything that has to do with the African culture has an element of evilness in it. That is so crazy and laughable!       When the first set of missionaries came to Africa, they knew they had a lot to struggle with in order for Africans to accept their religion.... So they opted for brainwashing which wasn't hard since the Africans already saw them as little gods because of their skin color and this still happens now. The question is " What makes the African culture bad and the white culture good?".        In my first year in the University, I visited a shrine and I was telling a friend about how much I learnt, how good the priestess was to us,how  Olukun is not a bad deity and how much I would love to go for the Osun/Oshogbo festival.


                         Democracy according to Abraham Lincoln, an ex president of the United States of America; Democracy is a government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE and of the PEOPLE. Across the  World, Democracy is the most practiced form of Government whether adulterated or not.                     Nigeria is a State which has gone through the Democratic and Military rule. On May 29 1999, Nigeria transited from Military rule to its First true Democratic regime which was to be headed by Alhaji Shehu Shagari from October 1st 1979 to December 31st 1983. The second phase of Democracy was headed by the Military Leader who transited power to a Democratically elected one in person of Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo on  May 29 1999 ever since that date, every four years has always marked a new republic for Nigeria. Is this a cycle of renewing old leaders?.                   The State has ever since gone through Good and bad times , with the bad times weighing more. We can say, Nigeria's si

EDUCATION: A joke in reality.

        In primary school, I was taught there are two types of education; The formal and the informal. I had always wished I could be educated without the four walls of a school but I was told if I needed a certification , I would have to get a formal education. This is where we got it wrong. I once read a poem titled The Schoolboy and all I can see, is myself in this boy.          The irony of education is it has decayed a lot of lessons when it is supposed to fix ignorance. Many schools ranging from preschool, basic, high till higher institutions are nothing more than a pit dug for failure.              I know of two private schools in Lagos,Nigeria which lacks basic amenities needed in a school with the lowest level of indiscipline and are known to be a place where parties are been thrown without second thoughts. How can a school lack a library(even if the books are outdated ),Sick Bay or nothing next to a Sick Bay (Save we call a room with a mat and no first aid box, a Sick Bay

Twenty Crazy Things You Need to Know!

       From Paris, Tokyo,Australia, New York, Milan to Lagos, there are crazy things discovered daily ranging from laws, culture and so on. Here are twenty crazy things about the world. Enjoy! 1.In the 1870s, a Belgian village attempted to train a fleet of 37 official mail cats to deliver letters. It didn’t work. 2. Every baby is born with blue eyes!. 3. The cotton candy machine was invented by a dentist. 4.  Twelve percent of sleepers dream in black and white. 5. Zebras’ coats are just black. (Their undercoat has white stripes.) 6. The light emitted by 200,000 galaxies makes our universe a shade of beige. The oldest star is nicknamed Methuselah. It’s 13.8 billion years old. If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you’ll see is called eigengrau. There may be no sound in space, but it does have a distinct smell: a bouquet of diesel fumes, gunpowder, and barbecue. The aroma is mostly produced by dying stars. 7 .  In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry