To some, the new year is just the Earth completing its revolving around the sun. While to some, New year is the mark of a new beginning, filled with hopes for a better future. The beginning of a better life, mending of broken relationships, forgiveness and letting go of hurt and pain. What is it to you?
Most people, begin to make resolutions for the new year as they see it as an opportunity, to overcome their bad habits and start afresh. So the popular saying; New Year, New Me.Rather than making resolutions, you won't end up following, why don't you make a guide? We sometimes make resolutions to suit other people not ourselves. For the rest of the year, why don't you sit, reflect on who you really are. Try to understand yourself. When you do this, you've just set the pace for a great year. You will begin to do things without struggling. You want to end that addiction? Understand yourself to know what to fill in positively for the addiction. And stop deceiving yourselves with the "'New Year Resolutions:New Year, New Me. I shedding my old self". The time you spend on writing out resolutions, use it to think about the future and your wants.
The Year 2020, is a year for breaking limits! Don't be limited in your abilities this year. Let that dream become a goal. The decade marks the most delicate for most persons as it is the period, where the decisions they make, may make or Mar them. Learn to live freely, create connections through networking, forgive your past and move forward. Someone has hurt you? Start on a new page by talking things out. Learn to take responsibilities and be the best you can to your friends and family, in  the same vein loving yourself unapologetically because that's what matters most. 
The New Year is filled with hope for a better future of opportunities, don't be myopic! Learn to use opportunities wisely as the saying goes, opportunity comes but once.... Happy New Year!!!!!

Love is the greatest gift, a person can have. Love comes in different phases and types. Today's focus, will be on 'self-love and relationships'
Self-love is the greatest thing you can have and it is often mistaken for selfishness. The reason, most persons have failed relationships, is because of lack of self-love. The basic truth is, to understand and enjoy a relationship, you must understand and love yourself. The new year is here, persons have plans to get into a relationship or make their present ones stronger.. that is a great goal but the question is, do you love yourself enough to get into a relationship? I have had people go into relationships and come out broken, questioning their humanity. Before getting into any relationship, build your esteem! Some relationships are spirit-breaking with the aim of destroying every ounce of strength in you through emotional abuse especially. You gave your all to that bad relationship? Forgive yourself. You were not stupid or wrong to have given love to an undeserving person.. you are strong, to have broken free from toxicity. A lot of people, are stuck in one-sided, abusive or wrong relationships because of the fear of starting over. New year has opened a new beginning, take time to reflect on what you want and how positively it will affect your relationships. Never settle for less out of desperation to be loved! Take your time and make lemonades💖.


My Girlfriend Cheated and Refused to Admit Despite Evidences

Hi Maju, I am currently a Youth Corper who has been in a relationship for four years. I really love my girlfriend and we are always opened with each other. Recently, I found out about her cheating. I had mistakenly opened her inbox while trying to make a call on her phone. Apparently, she has been having sex with a guy she claims, is her friend. I took a picture of the message and asked for opinions from my fellow Corpers. I decided to confront her and she denied having sex with the man. Five days before I saw the message, she had denied having sex with me and this got me angry especially with the denial. According to her, the guy sponsors her education and was asking for sex in return. She told him No, meaning the message must have been wrong. I decided to investigate her and I discovered, she lives with the guy and has been introduced to his family. Although, she hasn't introduced him to her mother, who I have met. I am willing to let it go but, she keeps denying having sex with the guy. At this point, I feel like a third-party in the relationship... I really do love her and I can't break up with her, because I have also cheated couple of times. I'm even thinking of punishing her to let out the anger but I'm confused at this point. What should I do?


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