
Showing posts from August, 2019


                  With days filled with activities while growing, I had grown to become a curious persons who always wanted to find answers to every mystery. Why is it acceptable to do wrong under the guise of religion?, Why is there segregation? How does God look like? and so on.                  Finding answers to these questions is never easy. I was made to believe that either you follow the poular religion or go to hell, which I find amusing. If the African traditional religion is not the popular religion, then forefathers are in hell? If Christianity hadn't come, would we all be in hell? At the end, I realized one thing, we have never been true to ourselves.                  Beliefs are one of the strongest things in life we should never blackmail others to change. We should respect others for what they stand for and not blackmail through segregation into acceptance without concrete convictions. One of the major problems I have always come across lately is looks of pity or